2024 ABC Summer Countdown

2024 ABC Summer Countdown
Posted on 05/16/2024

Our ABC Countdown is a fun tradition at our school to countdown the days to the end of the school year. Students in all grades (and caregivers!) are welcome to join in!

  • Thursday, May 16: A is for Art!… Get creative today! What will you make?
  • Friday, May 17: B is for Blue! … Wear as much blue as you can! Speaking of blue… watch out for a blue pigeon and whatever you do, do not let them drive the bus.
  • Monday, May 20: C is for Character!: Be ready to share your favorite book character with your class.
  • Tuesday, May 21: D is for Dance!: Stay tuned for details about an all school dance party!!
  • Wednesday, May 22: E is for Exercise! Exercise with your class!
  • Thursday, May 23: F is for Fancy!… Get dressed up for your class today!
  • Friday, May 24: G is for Games!… Play games as part of your class time today.
  • Tuesday, May 28: H is for: Hat!… Wear your favorite hat
  • Wednesday, May 29: I is for Inside Out!… Wear an item of clothing (or a whole outfit) inside out!
  • Thursday, May 30: J is for Joke!… Share some jokes with classmates or family members.
  • Friday, May 31: K is for Kindness!… How many ways can you show kindness today?
  • Monday, June 3: L is for Letter!… Write a letter to the student who will sit at your seat in September.
  • Tuesday, June 4: M is for Mason!… Celebrate our clerk, Ms. Mason, who is retiring at the end of this year! Stop by the office today to show your love, and make Ms. Mason a special card or drawing.
  • Wednesday, June 5: N is for Name!… Choose a new name, just for today!
  • Thursday, June 6: O is for Outside!... Spend some time learning outside today… and give an Ovation to your schoolmates while watching the virtual talent show!
  • Friday, June 7: P is for Play! Play all day as we enjoy Field Day!
  • Monday, June 10: Q is for Quiet!… relax and recharge with some mindfulness and quiet time today
  • Tuesday, June 11: R is for Rainbows and Rock Stars!… Wear as many colors as you can today, and celebrate our Rock Star 5th Graders as they move up to middle school.
  • Wednesday, June 12: S is for School Spirit!… Rock your MLK gear! If you don’t have a school shirt or socks, wear anything that reminds you of love, kindness, and justice.
  • Thursday June 13: T is for Team!… Wear something that represents a team. It could be your favorite sports team, a team you play on, or any other group that you take part in like a choir, dance, language, or math group!
  • Friday, June 14: U is for Under Your Desk!… Bring in a blanket to build a desk fort, and do some learning under your desk today!
  • Monday, June 17: V is for Valentines in June!… make a card for someone (or multiple someones!) that you’ve appreciated this year
  • Tuesday, June 18: W is for Watch a Movie Day!
  • Thursday, June 20: X is for: eXchange autographs!
  • Friday, June 21: Y is for Year End Clearance!… Get ready to clean up your learning space!
  • Monday, June 24: Z is for Zoom! Zoom out the door at the end of the day and enjoy summer vacation!
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