What are the school hours?
School begins every morning at 7:55AM. School is dismissed at 3:55PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. School is dismissed every Wednesday at 1:55PM.

Where can I park?
Parking is limited and actively monitored. Parents may park in the morning in front of the school near Door 1 (main office) for up to 15 minutes. Please be mindful that buses arrive from 7:30 - 7:50AM and need access to drop off students at Door 5 (cafeteria) and the gymnasium. Parents may also park in the afternoon in front for
15 minutes although spaces are even harder to find as our buses line up to wait for dismissal. There is resident parking on Antrium and Fayette Streets. Please be aware of street cleaning days; which are second Tuesdays and Wednesdays from April until December.

Where do children go in the morning before school?
All students can go the cafeteria for breakfast from 7:30AM to 7:55AM. Students may play in the center courtyard during that time with school supervision and appropriate behavior. Parents are welcome to join students in the cafeteria or courtyard.

Where do children go in the afternoon for dismissal?
Bus students are escorted to the gymnasium for their individual buses. Students that are picked up go to the cafeteria. Parents may enter at Door 5 (cafeteria) and wait in the cafeteria for their children. Students that are not picked up by 4:05PM (M, T, Th, F) or 2:05PM (Wednesdays) are sent to the main office where families are contacted.

How can I find out my child’s bus pick-up and drop-off location and time?
The district transportation office will send mailings to families of students who qualify for transportation to and from school.

How can I stay connected with school news and information?
Our school website, contains information including monthly newsletters. You can join our email communications mailing and our parents operate a listserv [email protected].

What is the attendance policy?
Academic success starts with going to school every single day. Current research has shown that your child’s attendance record may be the biggest factor influencing academic success. From our district’s School Attendance Policy: “Regular and consistent attendance is essential to learning, to improving the achievement of all students, to maintaining a respectful school climate and to a student’s successful school performance.

The goal of the student attendance policy is to promote consistent, daily school and class attendance. The expectation is that all students will have, at a minimum, at least ninety-five percent (95%) attendance in school and in each class during each school day.” “When a child has been tardy five (5) times, has been absent five (5) days or ten (10) half-days in the previous six (6) months for which there is no lawful excuse for said tardies or absences, misses five (5) or more school days unexcused in a school year or two (2) or more periods unexcused in a school year, it shall be the duty of the principal or head of upper school or designee in which such child is enrolled to report such attendance record to the Superintendent of Schools.” Please call the main office 617.349.6562 by 8AM to report an absence or tardy.

What if I need to dismiss my child early?
Please write a note to the teacher (if possible a day in advance). If it is an unexpected dismissal, please call the main office as soon as you know your schedule to help office communication, especially during peak hours.

How can I become more involved in the school?
Parent involvement can encompass several areas: monitoring your child’s progress and education, establishing a positive relationship with your child’s teachers, participating in school events and functions, and joining committees to refine our work. We will share more information about specific groups within our school, but we encourage you to think about how you are able to invest your time. Your involvement is always appreciated. Learn more >>
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