School Hours
7:55AM - 3:55PM | M, T, Th, F
7:55AM - 1:55PM | Wednesday
Learn more about our extended school day >>
MLK Early Release Days
On Wednesday Early Release Days, the dismissal time will be 1:55PM.
Late Policy
is very important that each student arrive in his/her classroom, ready
to begin school, by 7:55AM. A student who arrives after 7:55AM should go
to the office with his/her parent(s) to get a late slip before going to
the classroom.
Report an absence >>
Every class has two scheduled recess breaks a day. Please make sure children are dressed for cold weather when it arrives.
Changes in Afternoon Plans
in students' schedules that require bus changes need to be made in
writing to the classroom teacher in the morning. Afternoon changes cause
confusion for students, families and staff and can compromise student
Conferences and Reports
teachers will schedule conferences with parents in the fall and in the
spring, or as necessary to share information with parents about a
child's experiences in school. We see these conferences as a way to
learn from parents about their children and the goals parents have for
their children's education, as well as a chance for teachers to share
the child's learning at school.