The Fletcher Maynard Academy is a welcoming community with a global perspective. The diversity of students’ learning needs is met with a multi-tiered system of supports for both academic and social learning. The school also celebrate the diversity of students and families through whole school community meetings, cultural events and an International Dinner of Thanks held annually in November.
Fletcher Maynard’s extended learning time provides increased opportunity for academic engagement and special enrichment programs. All students study Spanish and take Kodaly music classes four days per week.
This performance-based music education system brings music to life through multicultural folk songs, dances, singing games, art, jazz and classical music.
Prior to the pandemic, the community worked together to raise funds so that every student, if they chose, had the opportunity to travel abroad with the school. Past trips have included England, Mexico, Costa Rica, China, Italy, Senegal, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Morocco, and India.
Signature programs:
- Extended Learning Day
- World Language
- Kodaly Music (Preschool-2 or Preschool-5)