The Cambridgeport School’s teachers and families work as a community to create a collaborative and reflective environment of exploration and inquiry that builds relationships and empowers students.
Cambridgeport’s instructional structure of looped classrooms supports the school’s philosophy. Beginning in 1st grade, students remain with their class and teacher for two years, through the end of 2nd grade.
Students have a new teacher for 3rd grade, and, similarly, spend two years with that teacher and class, through the end of 4th grade. They then spend one year with their 5th grade teacher. The strong bonds that forms between the teacher and students supports a deeper level of understanding, learning, and engagement.
Teachers provide learning experiences that guide and capture students’ interests while helping them to develop literacy and math skills, think critically, problem solve, and engage in rich scientific and historical inquiry. Students investigate topics and produce work that has a specific purpose and an authentic audience.
Signature programs: