Prevention Strategies & Activities

Health Promotion Activities
The Health Education departments supports and collaborates in initiatives to support the health of students in such areas as physical activity, healthy weight, and dental health.

Safe School Activities
The department supports initiatives around bully prevention, peer mediation and violence prevention educational groups.

Policy and Procedure Development
The department has worked on developing policies and procedures related to sexual harassment, bullying, teen dating violence, healthy vending machines and others.

The Health Education department works together with other School Departments and Community Agencies around health promotion and safe and drug free schools.

Community Agencies
We collaborate with many agencies and community groups including: Healthy Children's Taskforce, School Health Taskforce, Women's Commission, Peace Commission, Cambridge Prevention Coalition, Dating Violence Intervention Project, Cambridge Health Alliance, Commission for People with Disabilities, Domestic Violence Free Zone, and others.

Staff Development
Staff development workshops are offered to teachers and other staff members on teaching health education and school climate issues. Topics include: bullying and harassment, substance abuse and violence prevention, peer mediation, discipline, and class meetings and other health-related topics. Teachers from many schools have attended introductory workshops and week long institutes on Developmental Designs and  Responsive Classroom, programs with classroom strategies for increasing social skills, academic success and decreasing problem behaviors.

Family Involvement
The Health Education department strives to partner with parents in helping all students be healthy and succeed academically. Family members are notified of health education curriculum via letters in 6 languages. In grades K-6 the Great Body Shop magazines help keep parents informed of what's occurring in the classrooms. The curriculum also contains parent bulletins, which are sent home by some teachers. Parent workshops on bullying, internet safety, personal body safety, healthy eating and other topics can be arranged through the Health Education office.

Peer Programs
Peer leaders are active at the high school and elementary schools working on bullying, sexual harassment and violence prevention. The Students Advocating and Teaching Respect (STARS) organizes violence and health awareness prevention activities for all students at the high school each year.  Students teach about decision-making in all 9th grade health classes. A peer mediation program is being implemented at interested elementary schools.

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