MCAS Standard Accommodations

Frequent Breaks: The test is administered in short periods with frequent breaks

Time of Day: The test is administered at a time of day that takes into account the student's medical or learning needs (IEP or 504 plan must specify time of day)

Small Group: The test is administered in a small group setting (no more than 10 students)

Separate Setting: The test is administered in a room other than the one used by the rest of the class

Individual: The test is administered to the student individually

Specified Area: The test is administered with the student seated at the front or other specified area of the room, in a study carrel, or in another enclosed area (IEP or 504 plan must specify where)

Familiar Test Administrator: The test is administered by a test administrator familiar to the student

Noise Buffers: The student wears noise buffers, after test administration instructions have been read (headphones with music playing are not allowed)

Magnification or Overlays: The student uses magnifying equipment, enlargement devices, colored visual overlays, or specially tinted lenses (IEP or 504 plan must specify which)

Test Directions: The test administrator clarifies general administration instructions No portion of the test items themselves (eg, the introduction to a reading selection) may be read or signed

Large-Print: The student uses a large-print version of the test

Braille: The student uses a Braille version of the test

Place Marker: The student uses a place marker

Track Test Items: The test administrator assists the student in tracking test items (eg, moving from one test question to the next) or by redirecting the student's attention to the test

Amplification: The student uses sound amplification equipment

Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (except ELA Reading Comprehension test): Test Administrator reads entire test session word-for-word exactly as written

Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (except ELA Reading Comprehension test): Test administrator reads selected words, phrases, and/or sentences as directed by the student. The student points to the word, phrase, or sentence that he or she needs read aloud.

Test Administrator Signs Test (except ELA Reading Comprehension test): The test administrator signs the ELA Composition writing prompt or the Mathematics, Science and Technology/Engineering, and/or History and Social Science passages and test items to a student who is deaf or hard of hearing

Electronic Text Reader (except ELA Reading Comprehension test): The student uses an electronic text reader for the ELA Composition writing prompt or the Mathematics and Science and Technology/Engineering tests

Scribe Test (except ELA Composition): For open-response test items (and multiple-choice items if needed), the student dictates responses to a scribe or uses a speech-to-text conversion device to record responses

Organizer, Checklist, Reference Sheet, or Abacus: The student uses a graphic organizer, checklist, individualized mathematics reference sheet, or abacus

Student Signs or Reads Test Aloud: The student reads the test aloud to himself or herself, or student reads the test and records answers on audiotape, then writes responses to test items while playing back the tape; a student who is deaf or hard of hearing signs test items/responses onto video, then writes answers while playing back the tape

Monitor Placement of Responses: The test administrator monitors placement of student responses in the student's answer booklet

Word Processor: The student uses a word processor, Alpha-Smart, or similar electronic keyboard to type the ELA Composition and/or answers to open-response questions

Answers Recorded in Test Booklet: The student records answers directly in the test booklet

Other Standard Accommodation: Other standard accommodation that is identified by the IEP Team or team, documented in the student's IEP, and not on this list

Alternate Assessment (Portfolio)

MCAS Nonstandard

Test Administrator Reads Aloud ELA Reading Comprehension Test: The test administrator reads the ELA Reading Comprehension test to a student

Test Administrator Signs ELA Reading Comprehension Test for a Student Who Is Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Electronic Text Reader for the ELA Reading Comprehension Test: The student uses an electronic text reader for the ELA Reading Comprehension test

Scribe ELA Composition: The student dictates the ELA Composition to a scribe or uses a speech-to-text conversion device to record the ELA Composition

Calculation Devices: The student uses a calculator, arithmetic table (including multiplication and division charts), or manipulatives on all sections of the Mathematics or Science and Technology/Engineering test

Spell- or Grammar-Checking Function on Word Processor, Spell-Checking Device, or Word Prediction Software for the ELA Composition: The student uses a spell- or grammar-checking function, spelling device (including hand-held electronic spellers), or word prediction software (IEP must specify which device) for the ELA Composition

Other Nonstandard Accommodation: Other nonstandard accommodation that is identified by the IEP Team or team, documented on the student's IEP, and not on this list

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