It is all too easy to get mired down in the day-to-day issues related to technology in K – 12 settings. I encourage each of you to take a few minutes and reflect on the larger picture of just how far we have come as a district over the past few years, with respect to technology. Here are just a few of the accomplishments in recent years:
- A new student information system
- Online grading
- Parent and student portals
- A new content management
system for all school and district websites
- Mobile applications
- New time and attendance system
- Standard classroom infrastructure including interactive white boards in all classrooms
- District-wide managed WiFi
- Standard student & staff devices
K – 12
- Sustainable technology
replacement cycle
- “Followme” secure printing
- Document management system
- A virtual server environment
- Google Apps for Education as
the foundation for classroom
- Close to 100 vetted online
applications to support teaching and learning in the classroom
- An increase of nearly 4,000 staff and student devices
At the same time, we have been able to ensure the privacy of our student’s data. The CPS model for vetting
applications and ensuring the privacy of our student’s data is being used as a model in both MA and across the country. Our CPS community can
rest assured that even with all these
advancements in the use of technology in our classrooms we are maintaining a safe and trusted learning environment for our students.
New projects currently being implemented this year include SchoolCity Stars Assessment system as well as a new transportation management and tracking system.
As CPS continues to embrace technology to support teaching and learning, we continue to make what happens in the classroom most important. ICTS is constantly assisting all CPS staff to leverage technology to enable and improve student learning and outcomes. All ICTS staff are open to new ideas and models as technology and tools are constantly changing and improving. Please feel free to discuss any ideas for improvements with any
ICTS staff. We are here to work in partnership with all CPS staff.