Message from Gerald Yung: September 2, 2020

Dear Families,

I would like to offer more information about the upcoming school year. I appreciate those families that made selections for in-person or remote learning for their child/ren..

I highly encourage families to begin adjusting your child’s sleep schedule. Please note that the district is requiring our remote school day to start at 7:55AM with attendance being taken (our regular schedule). If your child has been staying up later than usual, you should begin transitioning them so they can achieve their full potential when school starts on September 16.

For September 16: All classes will be remote.

All classes will start at 7:55AM and continue until 3PM. There will be asynchronous periods (independent or “not live” instruction), but the schedule will be an attempt to mirror an in-person schedule. Attendance is expected and will be taken by teachers. Lunch will be scheduled for an hour to accommodate families needing to pick up lunch from designated spots.

For October 13: Remote or In-Person

Remote classes will start at 7:55AM and continue until 3PM.
In-Person classes will start at 7:55AM and continue until 3:55PM.

All specials (art, music, library) will be 30 minutes and taught remotely.
PE will be taught both remotely and in-person.
All Ni Hao Chinese classes will be 30 minutes and taught remotely.

Chinese Immersion Structure
Please note that in an effort to ensure health and safety precautions, our JK/K and first grade classes will rotate weekly in either English or Mandarin. Our previous schedule was a half-day rotation in either language.

All Mandarin instruction in grades 2-5 will be conducted remotely. Students who attend second and third grades in-person will be taught Mandarin by the remote teacher. This instruction will be on chromebooks in a separate space under the supervision of an aide. This is reflective of the smaller in-person cohorts (limited seats for both second and third grades).

Breakfast & Lunch
We will not serve breakfast in the morning. There will be a bagged breakfast sent home with students the previous day. Lunch will be in the classroom. Students may bring in a home lunch or lunch will be provided by the cafeteria. For remote students, our school is also a designated pickup site for families needing lunch at the Magee Street entrance (12Noon-1PM, free for all Cambridge students).

We are currently working on finalizing staffing, class lists, and schedules. You will be notified of classroom assignments early next week via email. Online parent conferences will begin as early as next week. I will also hold online information sessions for families in the upcoming days.

I had the privilege yesterday of holding our first staff meeting of the year (remotely). While this year will look vastly different than previous years, I know that we have talented, hard working, collaborative, and caring teachers.

Yours truly,

Gerald Yung, M.Ed
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