
AcademicsOur teachers create a supportive and engaging learning community where students can find their voice and take intellectual risks on the path to their full potential. Instructional collaboration supports differentiated instruction, ensuring that students working at an advanced level will be challenged while those who require extra help are supported to develop intellectual confidence and academic mastery. 

Our experienced faculty incorporates programs we believe are fundamental to a progressive education: Literacy 
Collaborative, Responsive Classroom, and Student 
Portfolios. Our school’s expanded learning hours provide an 8-hour school day, four days per week. This schedule 
enables us to offer daily Mandarin instruction and hands-on exploration of core subjects and enrichment areas.

Ni Hao 
Mandarin Chinese Program
For several decades, the Ni Hao 
Mandarin Chinese Program has been a core element of our school. Students receive a minimum of four days per week of Mandarin Chinese instruction. Learn more >>

Field Trips
Field trips and celebrations bring an added dimension to student learning. Field trips include Sturbridge Village, Plimouth Plantation, Harvard Natural History Museum, Cambridge Recycling Center, Museum of Science, and nature preserves. Annual celebrations include Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 
Chinese New Year, and Portfolio Day.

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