
Morning Meeting and Building Community
Everyday begins with a Morning Meeting. We start our day with a greeting while sitting in a circle; every child is acknowledged by name. We do our attendance routine that links with our math curriculum. We often have a news and announcements time during which we share personal events and get to know each other. (We also frequently incorporate sharing into storytelling at Writing Workshop.) We integrate academic, social, or curricular themes into a game or movement activity. Finally, we wrap up with a Morning Message during which we change our calendar, read to find out about daily events, and build enthusiasm for our day.

The kindergarten year(s) are full of great changes for children and families—entry into a new school environment, first experience in a public school setting, first times eating in a lunchroom, riding a bus, or going to after school programs. By emphasizing community and working on ways to help kindergartners become supportive and nurturing friends, we aim to facilitate and make positive those changes. Forming a cohesive, cooperative, caring group is the biggest social goal to be reached during the kindergarten year because it is the context for everything that children do and learn at school.

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