What Do We Do With a Longer Day?

ComputersThe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School values and uses our longer day in several exciting ways. A longer day means more time for our community to learn and grow together! Our students enjoy this time and even commonly refer to our shorter Wednesdays as “half days” even though it’s a full day at other Cambridge schools.

King Explorations
These weekly courses are across grade levels and structured in three semesters.

Explorations include:

Board Games
Stop, Think, Act
Sand Art
Globe Trotting
Exploring Languages
Word Games

Longer Blocks of Learning
Our expanded time allows for up to 80 minutes of math and at least 160 minutes of English daily! This extra time allows for us to fully engage in our curriculum—students have the time to work on independent projects, conference with their teacher, and participate in cooperative learning activities.

For our Chinese Immersion students, time is an essential component for students as they are learning in two languages. Our dual language immersion program is enhanced by having an additional hour for both Chinese and English classes.

ChineseMandarin Chinese for Everyone
All students receive 30–45 minutes of Chinese four times a week. Students also learn the language through its culture and this becomes integrated throughout our day in morning routines and activities.

Community Builders
Students receive two daily recess breaks and a 30-minute lunch that creates a holistic schedule for our students with ample breaks for movement and time to strengthen friendships. Our expanded time is highly valued and we let our schedule decompress so that students are learning in a natural, calm, and supportive environment.
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