The Student Registration Center uses this lookup tool to determine a student's Proximity Schools (the two schools that are closest to the home address) during the Junior Kindergarten / Kindergarten (JK/K) Lottery. The form below is the same form that the SRC uses, and you do not need to confirm your proximity schools any further.

Please note that the January JK/K Lottery is the only time when school assignments take proximity into account.

Please complete the following:
Parent/Guardian Name*
First Name

Last Name
Street Address (please do not include apartment or unit numbers)



Zip Code
Student Grade* Please select a grade:
Map Icons
Your Home: Proximity: Other Schools:

This map will display all schools on a map. Proximity schools will be displayed for families registering for Kindergarten during the January Kindergarten lottery only.

About Proximity:

  • CPS calculates Proximity for the Kindergarten lottery based on the Google Maps walking distance from your home address to the building's permanent address.
  • During school relocations, the icon will appear in the location where the school is temporarily located, but proximity points will be applied based on the school's permanent address. Read more about school relocations >>
  • Per the Controlled Choice Policy, there is no proximity preference for the Tobin Montessori School and for bilingual immersion schools or programs (Amigos School, King Open Ola Program, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School Chinese Immersion Program.)